Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blessed Honored Pioneers

My great, great, great grandfather!

Young Charles Coulson RichCharles Coulson Rich

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flag Day ~ Birthday

Flag Day

June 14th has always been Flag Day to me. I climb up on the ladder and hang the flag. I am proud to be an American. When I went to Israel, I was so impressed with how many families flew their country's flag at their homes. I think we should do that more. We did, after the terrible events of September 11th! Then we kind of stopped flying them. I'll try to always fly my flag on Flag Day, and other days. This year, however, Flag Day is an important day for me for another reason. Beautiful Kaylee Rose, was born on Flag Day, and now she is a member of our eternal family. I love this girl, so much, and I am so happy she is now one of usBeautiful Kaylee and handsome Samuel.

Where the Red Fern Grows

I don't know Betty and Larry.

I just want to believe that they loved each other so much!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Marshall Tyler Harris


Happy birthday to Mr. Marbles.

This boy is all boy! Four-years-old!

He is such a fun boy to have around.