This past weekend, Sam went snowboarding. He traveled to Tad’s house in California. On the last run of the day, he jumped high and fell hard, and landed right on his back. The snow was really not snow at all by now. The snow, had turned to ice. He laid there with the air knocked out of his lungs, and he was hurting! He’s home now, and he is pretty banged up. His back is all scraped up, and he is walking lopsided because his back hurts like crazy. To add insult to injury, Sam got pulled over on the way home, because he was speeding, and of course he got a citation. To top it off, he couldn’t work this week. How can you run to valet cars, when you can hardly walk? I find it interesting that when your child is hurting, you the parent, also hurt! I am hurting for Samuel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So as MasterCard would say: “Cost of fuel to get to the snow and back - $100, lift ticket - $30, traffic citation - $110, online driving school to keep the points off the driving record - $95, lost time at work - $600, photo of the jump and “landing” neither Tyson or Tad got on film - - - PRICELESS.
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