Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Latter-day Saints fast?
The new Harris Home
Here's a copy of the email Tyler sent to family members this past Sunday:
Subject: Modern Day Miracle
We are writing each of you to thank you for praying and fasting last Sunday, on our behalf, regarding the selling our home. In our current home, space was getting a little tight, and we knew that eventually we would grow out of it, and have to sell. We found a home in our price range near by that was a little larger and we felt strongly that it was the right home for us. But, in order to buy the new home, we needed to sell our home quickly! So we put it up for sale just less than one week ago. I’m happy to report that last night we sold our home at a price that would allow us to purchase the other home. With the ecomony the way it is today, we truly believe that our prayers have been answered, and we have witnessed a modern miracle that will bless our family. Again, we feel so blessed to know each of you and thought about you last Sunday as you were praying and fasting for us.
Thank you all!
Harris Family (Tyler, Ann, Coulson, Sarah, Katherine, Marshall)

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