Sunday, May 11, 2008

Apostle visits the Pope
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Last month, when the Pope visited the United States, Elder M. Russell Ballard and approximately 300 other religious leaders, were invited to meet with him. Prior to the meeting, Elder Ballard was interviewed by Mike Schneiter of Bloomberg Television. A wide range of issues affecting the Church were covered in their conversation, including building relationships with other churches, public perceptions about the Church, and humanitarian service. I thought the interview was excellent. At one point, Mr. Schneiter asked a question regarding the reason Temple ordinances are preformed for those who have died. The conversation turned to the resurrection. Elder Ballard explained that everyone would be resurrected. I watched Mr. Schneiter's shocked facial expression. This was news to him! Elder Ballard went on to say: "...when you die, Mike, you’re so real, that you’re not even going to know you’re dead, ‘til you go to try to do something that you are used to doing in mortality, and you’re going to find then, you're going to have it dawn on you, what a great gift the resurrection is." Sometimes I forget just how blessed we are, as members of the Church. We have so much knowledge, and so many answers to such important questions!
I am so grateful.

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