Friday, April 17, 2009

Shout it out: ~ "FIRE!"

~ Anniversary of the Woodbridge Fire ~
~17 April 1988~
My darling baby boy ~ Samuel Allen Marshall
~It was 21 years ago today. Sam gets upset if I mention that he set the house on fire. I wasn't upset with him then. I wasn't upset with him as we dealt with the mess. I wasn't upset about the loss the material items. I am not upset with him now.
~It was not his fault. I don't think it was any one's fault. Accidents happen, and this was an accident.
~I always will remember the house fire. I always will remember the details. I always will think about it when April 17th rolls around every year. Hopefully, I will always remember the many valuable life lessons I learned, because of the ordeal. But upset with Sam???


Sarah said...

So many things I remember about that day. The best . . . the fireman interviewed all of us. He asked me where everybody was. I gave him the run down including telling him Elizabeth and Sam were playing downstairs. Interesting. I know Sam's amazing . . . but didn't know he could be upstairs starting a fire at the same time he was downstairs playing with Elizabeth. Nice.

L.S.Marshall said...

I don't remember anything about the fire...I wasn't there. I do remember being at church and having church canceled because of the fire at the Marshall's house. I also remember and still am a witness that you are never upset with that mom's boy you call Sam.

Mr. Mustachio said...

Some of us would like to hear a few more details about the fire. I know that Sam was a chain smoker back then, but was that the cause of the fire?

Elizabeth J. said...

The fire is probably my earliest memory. I am glad that I went in to give little Tank his Easter Bunny. I'm glad I was the hero and I saved the day. I'm going to hang onto that feeling when the fam gives me grief about the desert!