Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grim Reaper

There is NOTHING grim about this
Grim Reaper Mya

For me, yesterday wasn’t an awful day, but I wouldn’t classify it as a good day either. It was a day FULL of problems and disappointments. Nothing major, just the constant hammer, hammer, hammer on the highway, that can and does eventually get to me. So today, I am listening again to the great talks that were given at our last General Conference. The talks were so uplifting, and so full of hope.

I feel sad for those members of the Church who, for whatever reason, didn’t get to hear the messages on Conference weekend. I feel even sadder for those well-meaning members who plan to read the talks, or who plan to listen to the talks on the Church website, but will just not get around to reading or listening.

Last month at a Stake Conference, Elder Russell M Ballard said: “Satan has pulled out all the stops.” In the Priesthood session of Conference, President Boyd K. Packer said: “Everywhere present is the influence of Lucifer and his legion of angels. They tempt you to do those things and say those things and think those things that would destroy.” In President Monson’s closing remarks at General Conference, he said: “We live at a time when the adversary is using every means possible to ensnare us in his web of deceit, trying desperately to take us down with him.”

Wow, Satan has pulled out all the stops. He is present everywhere and is using every means possible to take us down with him. He knows his time is running out! Ol' Scratch makes me sick, and I HATE him.

In his closing remarks, President Monson also said: “I remind you that the (Conference) messages will be printed in next month's Ensign and Liahona magazines. I urge you to study the messages and to ponder their teachings and then to apply them in your life.”

I think this last General Conference was the best ever!

(I don't think Satan has ever received as much press as he did in this last Conference. UGH!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I loved Hales remark from his Sat. morning talk . . . "We must remember that the adversary knows us extremely well. He knows where, when and how to tempt us. If we are obedient to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we can learn to recognize the adversary's enticements. Before we yield to temptation, we must learn to say with UNFLINCHING RESOLVE, 'Get thee behind me, Satan.'" Awesome.