In the merry merry month of MAY. Mother May I? Yes, you May... share some photos of some REALLY great people?
May 4th
Tad Marshall
Look at that smile! Cyndi Lauper sang: "Girls just want to have fun." The word girls could be subsutituted with Tad. This guy just loves to have fun, and wants others to have fun right along with him. I love being around Tad. I love Tad!!!
May 5th
Cyndi Kelley
Isn't she pretty. I really really really like her!

May 5th
Zackary Romberg
One of our newest family members Zackary Roy, born on Cyndi's birthday. I love it! Zackary is a beautiful baby. Because of Zack, Kristie and Clayton are now Mom and Dad. What a wonderful little family.

May 6th
Jonas Kelley
What a handsome little guy. Those are definitely Kelley eyes!
Happy Birthday Jonas - now 7 years old!!! WOW

May 7th
Dane Romberg
Are you ready for some football? Look at this face! Dane - you tiger you!
Happy #11.

May 12th
Abbigail ANN Kelley
Beautiful Abbigail ANN has arrived. Allison is now a big sister.
Kyle is out numbered and the number is widening. Welcome sweet Abbi.
May 14th
Kyle and Heather Kelley
Four years ago, these two walked out of these doors, as husband and wife.
Great match!
May 19th
Ella Romberg
May 21st
Kenneth and Valerie Romberg
Aren't they a handsome couple??? Yes they are.
Here's to 33 great years!

May 21st
Kari Marshall
Look at the smile on this pretty face.
May 22th
Sonya Marshall
I prayed for this beauty, and I didn't even know her name. Loren needed a wife, and Sonya was the answer to my many prayers.
And, I have thanked Heavenly Father MANY MANY MANY
May 23rd
Allison Kelley
This girl is a real character.
I think this photo should be included in her wedding video.
Happy, happy birthday princess.
May 24th
Tyson & Kari Marshall
These two bring out the very best in each other. They are a dynamic duel.
WOW to the kingdom they are building together. I love 'em.

May 24th
Kenneth Romberg
We've called this guy Ken Dawg long before everyone was dawg. Life is always good when this talented guy is around. I love him, dawg.
May 25th
Abby Romberg
Cute little Miss Abby was due to arrive after Jamison, and after Marshall, but she "pushed her way to the head of the line". Time will tell how this one plays out!

May 28th
Adam and Elizabeth Johanson
This photo was taken four years ago. If the cliché "Match made in Heaven" were true, it would be so for this couple. Happy Anniversary!
May 29th
Rylie Ortt
This girl gets prettier each year. Like mother, like daughter. Happy Birthday sweet girl.
May 29th
Brent Whitaker
I love this photo of Brent. I so admire this man.
May 30th
Carter Whitaker
I am having a hard time believing Carter is now 11-years-old.
The years are just flying by. Happy birthday to Carter.