09/04/2004 - Loren & Sonya Marshall
09/07/2006 ~ Georgia Kate Marshall
09/13/1977 – Sarah Day Marshall
09/16/2000 - Kevin and Brandi Romberg
09/24/2003 - Jackson Geronimo Kelley
09/07/2006 ~ Georgia Kate Marshall
09/13/1977 – Sarah Day Marshall
09/16/2000 - Kevin and Brandi Romberg
09/24/2003 - Jackson Geronimo Kelley
This cute guy, with the very goofy hair cut, is my Uncle Gary. He’s my Mother’s brother. He is just 9 years my senior.
On Mutual night, many years ago, Gary and his friends went to Mutual. Before the activity began he and three other young men went to the store just down the street from the church. When they returned Mutual had already started. One of the adult leaders yelled at the boys and told them if they were going to go to the store, instead of coming to Mutual, they could just leave and not come back. Well, that is exactly what they did, they left. And to this day Gary, son of pioneer stock, has never returned to Church.
One day at the funeral viewing of Grandma Rich, Gary asked Kenny if he would do his Temple work for him, after he had died.
That night at Mutual was a sad turning point for Gary. He knows the Gospel is true. Today Gary suffers with COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.