Monday, October 31, 2011


"Halloween is always fun, but not when there's no witch." Ann Marshall -October 1984

I was a mother of six little people who needed Halloween costumes, and I was heavy with child. Samuel would be born, just ten days after Halloween. Ann wanted to be a witch for Halloween. I didn't have the makings for a witch costume. The closest place to get the stuff, was 30 miles away. I was just too tired to make the trek. I told this nine-year-old she would just have to be something other than a witch for Halloween. She was disappointed to say the least, and before going to bed she penned that now memorable line: "Halloween is always fun, but not when there's no witch", and she left the note for her parents to find. When her father saw the note, he left immediately to make the 60 mile round trip, and purchased all the needed supplies for his little witch! And the rest is history!

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