Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Happy Anniversary

Monday, May 26, 2008
Today, as I am wont to do every Memorial Day, I am remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. Freedom isn’t free, and war is hell, are two clichés that come to mind. I believe these two clichés. Today I am thankful for the freedoms I enjoy and for the sacrifices that have been made throughout history, in the cause of freedom.
My hero Private First Class Terry L. Marshall
Terry was in the US Army during the Vietnam Conflict. One of his assignments, during his term of service, was to be a member of the honor guard for fallen soldiers. He would accompany the body of the soldier being flown to its final resting place. Terry would attend the funeral service, and he and another soldier would be the ones to do the ceremonial folding of the flag to be given to the family. It was always a difficult assignment.

My Dad - Private First Class Cecil R. Bishop
Dad was a medic in the US Army. He was stationed in London. Like many WWII veterans, Dad didn’t talk too much about his war experiences. The memories were not good memories. One day Dad went to pick up a wounded soldier, and when he got there, the wounded comrade was his brother Howard. He had been shot in the hip.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Here's Kari holding new little Jamison, last June. Kari has so many talents! To everyone is given a gift, (See D & C 46:11). Kari must have been standing in lots of receiving lines in the premortal existence, 'cuz she came to earth with SO many gifts. She can sure give Tyson a run for his money, literally! But then she'll give him a break and save him tons of time and money by fixing him a more delicious meal than you could find at any five-star restaurant. She's a talented seamstress, who can sew the traditional Christmas Eve pjs, or fashion custom made drapes for every room in the house. She could form an accounting firm with Josh, and they'd become as well know as PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP any ol' day. She can hang with the best drummer boys - Kyle and Tyson just to name two - and the beat goes on and on and on. It is SO great to have Kari in our family.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008
We stayed up way too late, and got up way too early.
After breakfast, we played outside in the water.
The weather was great. After lunch, we did some grocery shopping. The little people took a little rest, while Sarah and I headed north to attend Matt Golightly's wedding.
From there we drove way across town to a retirement party for a co-worker and wonderful friend.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Every year, for the past twenty years, I have attended BYU Womens Conference with my sisters. In the beginning, the conference was sponsored by BYU. Today the conference is sponsored by the Relief Society and BYU. It's a great conference. The classes and lectures are uplifting and informative. For me, it is a time of renewal. It's a time for me to refill my cup, so to speak, so that I am able to carry on and on and on. The highlight this year, was having President Monson, as the closing speaker. What a privilege to be in the presence of a Prophet of God. Think about it - WOW! Transcripts for many of the lectures can be read online at the website.
Women's Conference
Sunday, May 4, 2008
4 May 1972 - It was the day I became a mother

*Tad was such a beautiful baby*


It just seems like the years went by so fast...
From Cub Scout... ...to Boy Scout...

Here is Torie!
...then along came Tara......then Tanner joined us..
...and so much has happened since that day
"in the merry merry month of May" (King Arthur)