Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where's my boy???
This boy didn't come home at all last night, or the night before.
Sam is attending BYU Campus Education Week.

I wish I was at Ed Week, but it just didn't work out this year. I have attended many times. It's a program I really enjoy. One year, when we were living in Virginia, Tad and I flew to Utah and attended the program. The next year, Tyson joined us, but we didn't fly. We took a road trip. We stopped at many Church History sites along the way. I had a great time, and the boys, who were anxious to go west, were kind to their church history enthusiast mother. I remember one site I really wanted to visit was the grave of Rebecca Winters. Her grave was harder to find than I thought it would be, but the brothers hung with me and we found it. It was out in the middle of nowhere. I am glad we found the grave. Maybe someday I'll be able to meet Rebecca, and tell her about our venture. On second thought, if I get to meet her, I'll just ask her to tell me more about her trek, because ours doesn't even hold a candle to her story.

1 comment:

L.S.Marshall said...

I never knew the story of Rebecca Winters. The man on the far left in the picture of her descendants looks like Dennis Egbert.