Saturday, October 15, 2011


There was lots of chatter after Steve Jobs death. I, like so many others, am amazed at the brilliant mind of Steve Jobs. However, when I saw this cartoon, my first thought was how surprised this man must have been when he left this earth life. From what I have read, it looks like he was a seeker of truth, however he didn't find the Truth while he was on earth. In response to: "I have an app for that", I thought to myself - "No you don't Steve!"

This week, the eulogy that was given by Jobs sister was publicized. Here is the last paragraph:

Steve’s final words... were monosyllables, repeated three times.
Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them. Steve’s final words were: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.

I don't know what Mr. Jobs saw as his spirit left his cancer-ridden body. However, I do know death is not the end. Death is really a beginning—another step forward in Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. When the physical body dies, the spirit goes to the spirit world. In the spirit world there is learning and progression. It will be wonderful! I plan on saying: "OH WOW!"

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