Sunday, September 14, 2008

Unannounced Visitor ~ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland attended our Sacrament Meeting today. He was the concluding speaker. He spoke for five minutes! You would think he would have be allotted more time. However, he was not attending our ward in an "official" capacity. He was in attendance, because something very important was happening in the life of his son.
~Elder Holland's son David, is a member of my ward. Today, David became Bishop Holland. Bishop Jenkins, has served for seven years, and today he was released. Bishop Jenkins has truly magnified his calling, and the members of the ward LOVE him. Now, we will look to Bishop Holland for guidance.
~I will no longer be saying: "Hi David", as we great each other on Sundays. From here on out he will be Bishop Holland. He will be a wonderful bishop. I just love this guy. When, he moved into the ward, I introduced myself like this: "Hi, I'm Sister Marshall, Tyson Marshall's mom!"
~Our Stake President, President Davie, conducted Sacrament Meeting. The current bishopric was released, and the new bishopric was sustained. President Davie asked Sister Jenkins, and then Bishop Jenkins, to bear their testimonies. Then we heard testimonies from the Bishops' counselors, Brother Nelson and Brother Davis (both have served as counselors to Bishop Jenkins for the past year, and they will now be counselors to Bishop Holland), then Sister Jeanie Holland was asked to bear her testimony, then our new Bishop Holland spoke. THEN, Elder Holland was the concluding speaker.
~Elder Holland explained that he wanted to attend the meeting just like any other proud (and he did say proud) father. He said that he just wanted to sit in the congregation. He said President Davie worked a miracle and got him on the stand. With just five minutes left, Elder Holland gave a sermon. It was the best five minute talk I've ever heard. He is a true witness of the Savior.


Debra said...

Did Elder Holland say to take the copy of his talk?

Kenneth and Valerie Romberg said...

Awesome, "I an aunt". (Inside Joke, sorry Josh if you don't get it).