On January 22nd, Sweet little Conley Marshall Vidal joined our eternal family.
We are so happy he is here.
He is now numbered among our family members who celebrate winter birthdays.
What great company!

Families are Forever
Today is George Washington's birthday. He is one of my heroes. When we lived in Virginia, I loved our visits to his Mt. Vernon home. Then there was the time we took a trip to Valley Forge in the dead of winter. We talked of Washington and the suffering of his soldiers, but we stayed in the warm car, as we looked out over the frozen snow-covered ground. Many times, when we'd cross the Potomac, I would think about George throwing a coin across the river. There's no way, unless he had a little A-Rod action goin' on, and it was the Rappahannoc River, not the Potomac! I know the "I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down that cherry tree" story is a fable. But, I like to have cherry pie on Washington's birthday and talk of his honesty. So today we did! Stories sure can get twisted. Several times a year, I drive past the St. George Temple. Each time, I mentally recall the experience shared by Wilford Woodruff, regarding the appearance of the Founding Fathers, and their requests for their saving ordinances. Now there's a story that is not twisted! So today - Happy Birthday Brother Washington, and thanks for everything!
Lucky for me, Bradley sometimes gets to spent the night. We have so much fun when he comes over. Last night was one of those fun nights. This morning, I was talking with Ann on the phone. She was telling me about a sister in her ward that was beginning to attend Church again after not attending for some time. I said that it was a good thing. I said that this sister wouldn’t want to be on the outside looking in any longer, because after all, the Savior is coming.
After the phone conversation ended - - -
Bradley asked me: “The Savior is Coming?”
Me: “Yes, Bradley.”
Bradley: “Is He coming to your house?”